Your crops need sufficient watering throughout the year for optimal yields, hence why an irrigation system is crucial. However, there are different types of irrigation systems, including micro-jet, drip, hose-reel, subsurface, and solid-set. So, you'll want to opt for one best suited to the specific needs of your crops in Florida, Texas, or North Carolina. Continue reading to learn more about each irrigation system to determine which you should use for your crops!

Micro-jet irrigation systems water small areas at a lower pressure and volume.

Micro-jet irrigation systems are a highly efficient and targeted watering method that consists of small sprinkler heads close to the ground. These heads dispense water at a lower pressure and volume to hydrate a small area with the right amount to reduce wasteful usage. Micro-jet systems result in more uniform soil moisture, bolstering crop yield by ensuring they can maximize the water they receive. This irrigation method is perfect for citrus and marijuana farms, among others.

Drip irrigation systems deliver water straight to the root zone of your crops for optimal efficiency.

Drip irrigation systems are another extremely efficient method of delivering water to your crops. These systems consist of pipes that run along the ground and drip water at a low volume straight to their root zone. Not only does this optimize efficiency by cutting water costs while still providing adequate hydration, but it reduces evaporation so they can utilize more and produce higher yields. You can use drip irrigation systems for various crop types, including blueberries, pecans, and hemp.

Hose-reel irrigation systems are portable so that you can water different areas.

Hose-reel irrigation systems consist of a portable cart that carries a durable plastic hose and a powerful sprinkler head, which sprays water in a circular pattern. This method is easy to use and allows you to move around and water different areas to ensure uniform irrigation, which is especially helpful for harder-to-reach crops.

Subsurface irrigation systems consist of tubes buried in the ground to water your crops at their roots.

Subsurface irrigation systems are great if you're looking to cut water costs and boost crop yield. This system consists of tubes buried in the ground, where they'll then dispense water directly to their roots. It's low-pressure and provides hydration slowly, meeting the needs of your crops without wasting water. Additionally, since it's underground, it prevents evaporation so that everything it dispenses goes right to them. Subsurface irrigation systems are highly beneficial for any crop type, whether it's blueberries, pecans, or anything else.

Solid-set irrigation systems involve sprinklers on posts properly spaced to cover large areas.

Solid-set irrigation is a type of sprinkler system with heads raised on posts to project a powerful stream of water across large areas. These posts are properly and evenly spaced to provide uniform watering of your crops and optimal usage. This irrigation system is ideal for expansive farms and lands with crops like corn or grain.

No matter which irrigation system you choose, they can be customized to fit the specific needs of your crops and yield the best results.

Call Us to Schedule Our Turnkey Installation Service Today

At Agri Services International, we offer a turnkey installation service where we'll design, supply materials for, and install a custom agricultural irrigation system tailored to your specific needs. Our team will consider factors like crop type, topography, and water source to ensure efficient watering and optimal yields. Additionally, you can trust that we'll know the ideal irrigation system for your farm or land, whether a micro-jet, drip, hose-reel, subsurface, or solid-set.

We proudly offer our turnkey installation service to farmers, growers, and landowners in Florida, Texas, North Carolina, and other nearby southeastern states. Call us at 772-468-0888 to schedule today.